Wild Cat- Konad Plate m78

    Konaddicts....I have been going through blogging withdrawls!  My new Mac has been giving me trouble.  I tried installing the new Windows 7, and have had all kinds of trouble with it!!! loooong story-but your here for konadicures!
    Its been too long, & i have so many konadicures to blog.
    Konad plate m78 is pretty cool.  The animal print combines the zebra/tiger print with a leopard print, so it makes it a great match with the leopard print on m57.
    Here is what you will need to konadiclone this.
    I forgot to photo the bronze color I painted over the yellow.
    I used konad plates m78 & m57,  Konad special polish black  and white. I also used china glaze, and a petit polish in a bronze.

    Create this Konadicure in these steps:
    1) Paint base color and let dry
    2) paint second color and sponge off on the tips.

    I read about this technique here

    3) Apply animal print from m78 to all fingers, except the ring finger. 
    4) Stamp your ring finger with the full leopard image from m57 and accent it with the butterflies in white.

    Hope you enjoy the design and a peek at konad plate m78.
    'til your next fix....

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